The purpose of this website is to provide a brief summary of end time Bible prophecy. You may be curious about the topic or searching for a context to make sense of dramatic global events. In either case, we hope to provide you with resources to further your understanding and ultimately point you to the source of all truth, the Word of God.
The study of end time Biblical prophecy or eschatology can be compared to assembling a jigsaw puzzle. The Bible makes many detailed predictions about a future seven year period immediately preceding the second coming of Jesus Christ. The predictions about this time period, referred to as the Tribulation, detail what the world will look like geopolitically, militarily, economically, socially and spiritually. The basic framework for this time period is formed in the Old Testament Book of Daniel and the New Testament Book of Revelation with many other prophecies coming from the remaining sixty-four books of the Bible. These predictions are placed together to form a collage of sorts. While the events predicted by the Bible will be fulfilled precisely, no student of end time Bible prophecy can claim to have the puzzle pieces placed perfectly. For this reason, this website seeks to give a big picture overview of the coming events with enough detail to convince the reader that the Bible is indeed supernaturally inspired. In the Gospel of John, Jesus, articulating the purpose of prophecy, said, "And now I have told you before it comes, that when it does come to pass, you may believe.” (John 14:29) The purpose of Bible prophecy is to authenticate the central message of the Bible so that we might believe. The central message of the Bible is Jesus Christ and the salvation that He offers each of us.
It is important to understand that NO ONE knows exactly when this seven year period will begin. However, for those familiar with the prophecies, it will be obvious when events converge, setting the stage for the start of the Tribulation. Many students of eschatology believe we are currently seeing this convergence of stage setting events. If they are correct, in the near future, these events will cause many people to question some foundational beliefs about the world. We welcome you to read this brief summary of end time Bible prophecy.
The study of end time Biblical prophecy or eschatology can be compared to assembling a jigsaw puzzle. The Bible makes many detailed predictions about a future seven year period immediately preceding the second coming of Jesus Christ. The predictions about this time period, referred to as the Tribulation, detail what the world will look like geopolitically, militarily, economically, socially and spiritually. The basic framework for this time period is formed in the Old Testament Book of Daniel and the New Testament Book of Revelation with many other prophecies coming from the remaining sixty-four books of the Bible. These predictions are placed together to form a collage of sorts. While the events predicted by the Bible will be fulfilled precisely, no student of end time Bible prophecy can claim to have the puzzle pieces placed perfectly. For this reason, this website seeks to give a big picture overview of the coming events with enough detail to convince the reader that the Bible is indeed supernaturally inspired. In the Gospel of John, Jesus, articulating the purpose of prophecy, said, "And now I have told you before it comes, that when it does come to pass, you may believe.” (John 14:29) The purpose of Bible prophecy is to authenticate the central message of the Bible so that we might believe. The central message of the Bible is Jesus Christ and the salvation that He offers each of us.
It is important to understand that NO ONE knows exactly when this seven year period will begin. However, for those familiar with the prophecies, it will be obvious when events converge, setting the stage for the start of the Tribulation. Many students of eschatology believe we are currently seeing this convergence of stage setting events. If they are correct, in the near future, these events will cause many people to question some foundational beliefs about the world. We welcome you to read this brief summary of end time Bible prophecy.