End time Bible prophecy, Revelation, tribulation, rapture, end times, end of the world, last days
Peace Agreement - The Bible predicts that some form of peace agreement lasting seven years will be signed involving Israel (Daniel 9:27).  This may come out of the UN or through a negotiated peace between Israel and the Palestinian Authority.  At this point, the entire world is pushing for recognition of a Palestinian state with 1967 borders.  The division of Israel is a Biblically significant event (Joel 3:2) and when it happens get ready for all hell to break loose on this planet.  It is believed the Apostle Paul ties the timing of the rapture, Middle-East war, economic collapse and approaching peace agreement together in 1 Thessalonians 5:1-4.  After describing the rapture at the end of chapter four, he goes on to discuss its timing in chapter five.  Here’s what he says, “But concerning the times and the seasons, brethren, you have no need that I should write to you.  For you yourselves know perfectly that the day of the Lord so comes as a thief in the night.  For when they say, “Peace and safety!” then sudden destruction comes upon them, as labor pains upon a pregnant woman. And they shall not escape.  But you, brethren, are not in darkness, so that this day should overtake you as a thief.”  The pronouns are critical in these verses.  There are two groups in view, you (the Church) and they (the unbelieving world).  For the Church, these events will not be a surprise and the Church will not experience “sudden destruction”, because of the rapture.  However, the unbelieving world will be caught completely by surprise and experience the “sudden destruction” as they are calling for “Peace and Safety”.  For the Church it will be like watching a slow motion train wreck and, for the unbelieving world, it will be like a lightning strike or, as Paul puts it, a thief in the night.  Paul doesn’t go into detail on the sudden destruction but some believe that at the time of the rapture the military tension in the Middle-East will be reaching a crescendo as the global economy is collapsing.  This will set the stage for what the Bible calls the Tribulation Period.

End time Bible prophecy, Revelation, tribulation, rapture, end times, end of the world, last days
Tribulation Period -

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End time Bible prophecy, Revelation, tribulation, rapture, end times, end of the world, last days
Bible Prophecy - You may be questioning why anyone would believe predictions made thousands of years ago will come to pass.  Let’s take a look.  Many Biblical prophecies have already been fulfilled.  By studying these predictions and their subsequent fulfillment we can see the 100% accuracy with which Bible prophecies are fulfilled.  Let’s use messianic prophesies as an example.  The Old Testament makes more than 300 predictions about a coming messiah.  These predictions can be analyzed statistically to determine the accuracy of the Biblical prophecy and the identity of the messiah.  For example, if one said the messiah would be a man, then roughly half of the population could fit this prediction.  The probability that any individual would randomly meet this prediction is about 1 in 2.  If added that he would be born in Bethlehem then the probabilities that someone would randomly fulfill the predictions are significantly reduced.  With every additional prediction or prophecy the probabilities are decreased.  For example, if only eight prophecies are made then the odds of any one person meeting the predictions by random chance are exceedingly low.  It would be statistically equivalent to covering the state of Texas two feet deep with half dollars, painting one red, and having a blindfolded man select the red half dollar with one attempt.  If those are the odds with only eight predictions then can you imagine the probabilities of one individual fulfilling more than 300 prophecies by chance?  Statistically speaking, it is so unlikely that you could say there is no chance.  The study of fulfilled Biblical prophecy should lead us to two conclusions.  First, Jesus is the predicted messiah.  And second, the events that are predicted by the Bible will be fulfilled with 100% accuracy. 

End time Bible prophecy, Revelation, tribulation, rapture, end times, end of the world, last days
Salvation -

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End time Bible prophecy, Revelation, tribulation, rapture, end times, end of the world, last days
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For updates that show the global progression towards the fulfillment of end time Bible prophecy, please see the Prophecy Updates page.